21st Century Pattern Blocks
Explore Eight different shapes and colors for endless possible creations by Math for Love
Talking Math with Kids Shop
Buy tiling turtles, Truchet Blocks, and Christopher’s books Which One Doesn’t Belong? and How Many?
Mosaic Mysteries Puzzle
Arrange mosaic tiles on a 2D plane in a way to make them seen as 3D.
Practice your symmetry, visual dexterity, quick thinking, spatial reasoning and memory skills.
The Genius Square
STEM puzzle game with the combination of dice, location of the blockers
Star Wars Chess Set
A collectible - dark and light sides on the chess table. May the force with you.
Picasso Tiles Puzzle
A 3D Puzzle promotes logic training, critical thinking, problem-solving, and hand-eye coordination skills.
Invented thousands of years ago, Mancala is one of the world's favorite games of counting and strategy.
Brain Games - I
What is the most complex super computer;? The answer is really close to you!

ZomeTool - Kepler Cosmos
German mathematician, astronomer Johannes Kepler's universe model made up of 5 platonic solids.

Snake Cube Fidget
Snake puzzles can turn into any shape, you can combine them to create bigger shapes.

Number Slide
The goal is to reposition the squares from a given arbitrary position by sliding them one at a time.

Hanoi Tower
It repetitive sequential that allows moving one piece at a time and are only allowed to place a smaller piece on top of a larger piece.
The Genius Square
Game of The Year Award Winner! Roll The Dice & Race Your Opponent to Fill The Grid!
Rock me Archimedes
Suspense-filled balancing game that tests players’ strategic thinking.
Pattern Explorer 1
Book - diverse collections of pattern problems for students to explore, investigate, discover, and create.
String Art
Create amazing geometric patterns - Set of 3 frames - 20, 30 and 40 points with frames of 15 cm diameter.
Numbers & Letters Tangram
Pattern Blocks Magnetic Jigsaw Puzzle with 24 Pcs Design Cards.
Magnetic Soma Cube
A 3D Puzzle - Set of 7 Multi Shapes Magnetic Blocks with 54 Guide Cards.
Brain Games - II
Book - full of puzzles, optical illusions, cranial challenges, and information on researches in neuroscience

The Shape-Shifting Box
3D Magnetic Transforming Magnetic Box Magic Cube - You can combine four of them to create other 3d shapes.

Hexagon n Puzzle
Hexagon puzzle has many different solutions, Each card has hints for a different solution.

Soma Cube
Each card has a building shape challenge on one side, and the solution on the other side.
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K'nex Levers & Pulleys
Model- to build 3 unique lever or pulley models: a balance, a wheelbarrow and a Sailboat
Prime Climb
Explore mathematical structure in multiplication, division, and prime numbers by Math for Love
Chain Reaction Sets by Zig Go
Build different layouts and tracks, then start the action and watch the reactions.
A Strategy game for kids to explore the concepts of probability, deductive reasoning, and logic
Da Vinci Clock
Model - Reproduction of a clock based on an escapement sketched by Leonardo da Vinci
Pattern Explorer 2
Book - diverse collections of pattern problems for students to explore, investigate, discover, and create.
Pattern Blocks
A toy that every kid needs to have -Explore shapes, relations, fractions, symmetry, area measurement, and more

Rainbow Puzzle Ball
A color matching game for kids. You push the colored balls around to match their color with the ring outside.

3D Labyrinth Puzzles
A toy for hands & eyes coordination and balance, spatial cognition, focus, observes ability and patience training.

Archemedes Puzzle
Incredibly difficult and one of the oldest known puzzles and attributed to the great Archimedes.
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